I'm all for sensible gun legislation. I fully support an assault weapons ban. I fully support a limit on bullets. I support having to show ID when you buy bullets like I have to do to buy Sudaphed. But I'm still angry that it's taken this to happen before Obama grew some balls.
Obama has spoken at 4 mass shootings in his four years in office. Three of those mass shootings took place in 2012 alone and the year isn't over yet.
West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin today asked how much more carnage involving our children must we endure. And as horrific as these deaths have been, we forget Columbine.
Yes, one was a high school the other an elementary school. We lost teenagers and now we've lost babies. Either way we lost children who never got the opportunity to go to prom, graduate, go to college, get married, have babies. The ages of the children are different but the grief of the parent, as well as the nation should be the same.
It's not just schools. Street corners in every major city are war zones. Yes we need gun control reform. Yes we need more mental health care options. But mentally unstable people will be able to get guns. The least we can do is make sure they cannot obtain unlimited rounds of ammunition and military assault weapons.
You cannot tell me that your Christian philosophy tells you that God gave you the right to a gun and that right supersedes the right to life those victims had. I hear this argument coming from people who identify as Pro Life, Pro War, Pro Gun conservatives. I'm calling you bullshitters.
When the second amendment was written the only guns we were given the freedom to process were guns that required us to stop and reload after every single shot. Our forefathers did not imagine semi automatic weapons capable of firing off 100+ rounds of child killing bullets in under 60 seconds.
I don't have time for those of you who see making it harder for this to happen again being a personal affront to any liberty you have. Those children, those teachers, those parents and families had a GOD GIVEN right to LIFE. We all do and that right to Life is more important than your right to turn your home into an arsenal. There's a reason the founders who founded our country on the rights of Life, Liberty, and Happiness. There's also a reason they specified Life first.
This past election I have largely respected the viewpoints of my friends and family which were in direct contradiction with my own. I didn't always understand those views and I sometimes left nasty comments in response, but I respected your right to that opinion. But I cannot and will not respect your opinions on not needing sensible gun legislation.
I cannot respect you as a Right to Lifer when it comes to a fetus but not someone who is not equally fighting for the right to life of a child in a classroom.
I'm seriously evaluating how much longer I'm going to continue to ignore these opinions. Political opinions are one thing but ignorance on the dire needs we have for sensible gun laws is something I cannot ignore and attribute to a simple personal opinion.
Y'all know me. I'm very passionate about my beliefs. I'm sure many of you who need to see this probably have me hidden in your newsfeed. Your loss. But I will not back down.
President Obama, as a supporter, Christian, and American I implore you to not rest until you sign a bill banning assault weapons and limiting ammunition. You had the opportunity to do so after Rep. Giffords was shot. You had the chance after the Colorado shooting. If you had put more political capital into leaning on Congress to pass more sensible gun laws these children may still be alive or the number of dead may have been greatly lessened
I'm not stupid. I know gun laws won't stop these things from happening. More/easier access to mental health services won't eliminate these shootings either. The Lord tells us we will walk through the valley of the shadow of death. The Lord also says we should fear no evil because He is with us. But we do fear evil even though He is with us. And with more sensible gun laws and limits on ammunition these events will be less tragic.
I don't ever want to hear the word "carnage" used in relation to anything other than referencing a battlefield of war. Certainly not in relationship to children whose only crime was going to school.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
God is Still Here
When tragedies like today happen, we often ask, "Where is God?" There's also the question, "Why would God allow this to happen to these children?" Many people speculate and even pretend to know exactly why God allows these horrible evils to happen.
Today, Reverend Mike Huckabee professed to know why this happened, "We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem, or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we've ordered God out of our schools, and communities, the military, and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised...when all hell breaks loose."
I have a problem with that line of thinking. How small is "Rev." Huckabee's God that simply removing required prayer from schools prevents God from even showing up? How big of "Rev" Huckabee to think that we, mere mortals subjected only to God's desire, have the ability, authority, or even the power to keep God out of anywhere.
God is said to be be a lot of things but the most powerful is His ability to be omnipresent. That means He is everywhere all the time. That's one of the powers of being God. Don't believe me? Let's look at Scripture:
Jeremiah 23:24: Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill Heaven and Earth? declares the Lord.
Proverbs 15:3: The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. (notice it doesn't say 'prevent the evil')
Matthew 18:20: For where two or three are gathered in my name, "there am I among them."
Job 34:21: "For His eyes are on the ways of a man, and he sees all his steps."
Scripture tells us that regardless of what evil or good exist in a place, God is there. God is watching. God is knowing. God is faithful. There's nothing we can do that can force God out of anywhere.
2 Timothy 2:13: If we are faithless, he remains faithful--for he cannot deny himself.
Lamentations 3:22: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end.
I'm not going to debate if it was right or wrong to remove teacher/administrative sanctioned prayer from our schools. I believe in prayer. I also believe in the fact that God is always with me, even when I am not in communication with Him, when I'm doing things He does not agree with, things that do not further the Kingdom of God. His Word tells me I am never alone. I will never be forsaken. When the Lord says he will not forsake you, He means never. He doesn't say, "forsake me and you're on your own." He simply says, Deuteronomy 31:6: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.
While teacher/administrative sanctioned prayer has been declared unconstitutional, students are allowed to come together to pray. The middle school right behind my house has "Meet Me At the Pole" daily from 7:40 am until class starts at 7:50 am. The school not only provides a place but it also addresses the daily prayer group on the school calender to inform parents that from this time, your child is welcome to come to the flag pole and start his/her day in prayer. Students gather there daily. I'm not taking one or two students. I'm talking many. Each Friday night after football games it is not uncommon to see students from both schools/teams congregating to the center of the field to pray. Schools have Bible clubs, Fellowship of Christian Athletes clubs, and other ways in which to allow child believers to come together in fellowship.
And, if you allow me a little bit of comic relief, as long as there are tests and report cards in school, there will be prayer in school.
What I'm getting at is this: you cannot say that just because the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to have compelled prayer in schools that God is not there. The case was brought not by an atheist but by a Jewish man who did not want his child to be compelled to pray Christian prayers. This religious man, and his children, have what we Christians have and hold dear: Freedom OF Religion. He simply did not feel that his child should be compelled to recite a Christian prayer. He was every bit as entitled to that opinion and belief as we Christians are that prayer should be recited.
Jews are a very spiritual people. They pray more times a day than many Christians. Much like Islamic followers, Jewish followers have specific prayers for specific times of the day. As Christians we have become such a closed-minded society. We cannot agree to live and let live, to allow for Jewish children, Hindu children, Islamic children, or children of other faiths to pray their particular prayers in school. Shoot, most Christians after seeing men using prayer rugs in an airport will most often run to report them as "suspicious." But yet we want to complain that no one prays anymore. Would we, as Christians, if we were in the minority, have done the same thing to prevent our children from being compelled to pray to a certain god or gods?
We can't have it both ways, Church. We can't. All of us are on a path that we feel is right for us. We are on our own cosmic journeys to personal relationships with a "higher power." For me that higher power is God and I believe the only way I can spend eternity with Him is through the acceptance that He sent His Son to die for my sins, that His Son rose three days later, and will come again. That's how I know I'm saved.
I may not always act like I'm saved: I curse. I don't go to church every.single.time.the.door.is.open. I am hypocritical and judgmental. I'm not perfect but I know that God's Word is true and it always will be.
The events in Newtown, CT did not happen because we don't have sanctioned prayer in school. The terror today came because part of living, even living for Christ, is that evil things happen. For it is not for us mortals to understand why these things happen. We are not guaranteed these things will never happen. In fact, we are told the exact opposite: John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy. I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Does the Lord like our wicked ways? No. Does He love us in spite of those wicked ways? Yes. Does that mean that we can continue to be wicked and still enter the Kingdom of God? No. But just because the wicked may never enter the Kingdom of God, doesn't mean that God is not present.
I often wonder what if Jesus came back right now---right this very second and saw how we mortals are preaching His teachings what he would think. How we are advancing His cause. Would he be sickened at the sight of us? Would He be angry? Would He appreciate us putting His Father, OUR Father, in such a small box as to think that God would leave us simply because the ability to pray in a school house is different than what we believe it should be?
To think that God is not big enough and that He was not present today in that school as those tiny precious children were murdered is so small-minded that I cannot even grasp the entire absurdity of it. I know that God was there as each child and adult was killed. Even the killer. I know that each of those children and adults were welcomed into His arms. Those who were fortunate enough to survive didn't just have police and teacher escorts out of the building today. God was there. God shielded every single person in that school today. Every.single.one. Even those who died.
God did not promise us that we would live forever here on this planet we call Earth. He did not promise that we would never face evil and that tragedy would never strike. We have not been promised a life of sunshine and roses. If we read God's Word and if we communicate with Him, we will possess enough understanding of why things happen to get us through. Do you know how I know this? Because my Bible tells me so:
Psalms 30:5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Today, Reverend Mike Huckabee professed to know why this happened, "We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? We don't have a crime problem, a gun problem, or even a violence problem. What we have is a sin problem. And since we've ordered God out of our schools, and communities, the military, and public conversations, you know we really shouldn't act so surprised...when all hell breaks loose."
I have a problem with that line of thinking. How small is "Rev." Huckabee's God that simply removing required prayer from schools prevents God from even showing up? How big of "Rev" Huckabee to think that we, mere mortals subjected only to God's desire, have the ability, authority, or even the power to keep God out of anywhere.
God is said to be be a lot of things but the most powerful is His ability to be omnipresent. That means He is everywhere all the time. That's one of the powers of being God. Don't believe me? Let's look at Scripture:
Jeremiah 23:24: Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill Heaven and Earth? declares the Lord.
Proverbs 15:3: The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. (notice it doesn't say 'prevent the evil')
Matthew 18:20: For where two or three are gathered in my name, "there am I among them."
Job 34:21: "For His eyes are on the ways of a man, and he sees all his steps."
Scripture tells us that regardless of what evil or good exist in a place, God is there. God is watching. God is knowing. God is faithful. There's nothing we can do that can force God out of anywhere.
2 Timothy 2:13: If we are faithless, he remains faithful--for he cannot deny himself.
Lamentations 3:22: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end.
I'm not going to debate if it was right or wrong to remove teacher/administrative sanctioned prayer from our schools. I believe in prayer. I also believe in the fact that God is always with me, even when I am not in communication with Him, when I'm doing things He does not agree with, things that do not further the Kingdom of God. His Word tells me I am never alone. I will never be forsaken. When the Lord says he will not forsake you, He means never. He doesn't say, "forsake me and you're on your own." He simply says, Deuteronomy 31:6: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.
While teacher/administrative sanctioned prayer has been declared unconstitutional, students are allowed to come together to pray. The middle school right behind my house has "Meet Me At the Pole" daily from 7:40 am until class starts at 7:50 am. The school not only provides a place but it also addresses the daily prayer group on the school calender to inform parents that from this time, your child is welcome to come to the flag pole and start his/her day in prayer. Students gather there daily. I'm not taking one or two students. I'm talking many. Each Friday night after football games it is not uncommon to see students from both schools/teams congregating to the center of the field to pray. Schools have Bible clubs, Fellowship of Christian Athletes clubs, and other ways in which to allow child believers to come together in fellowship.
And, if you allow me a little bit of comic relief, as long as there are tests and report cards in school, there will be prayer in school.
What I'm getting at is this: you cannot say that just because the United States Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to have compelled prayer in schools that God is not there. The case was brought not by an atheist but by a Jewish man who did not want his child to be compelled to pray Christian prayers. This religious man, and his children, have what we Christians have and hold dear: Freedom OF Religion. He simply did not feel that his child should be compelled to recite a Christian prayer. He was every bit as entitled to that opinion and belief as we Christians are that prayer should be recited.
Jews are a very spiritual people. They pray more times a day than many Christians. Much like Islamic followers, Jewish followers have specific prayers for specific times of the day. As Christians we have become such a closed-minded society. We cannot agree to live and let live, to allow for Jewish children, Hindu children, Islamic children, or children of other faiths to pray their particular prayers in school. Shoot, most Christians after seeing men using prayer rugs in an airport will most often run to report them as "suspicious." But yet we want to complain that no one prays anymore. Would we, as Christians, if we were in the minority, have done the same thing to prevent our children from being compelled to pray to a certain god or gods?
We can't have it both ways, Church. We can't. All of us are on a path that we feel is right for us. We are on our own cosmic journeys to personal relationships with a "higher power." For me that higher power is God and I believe the only way I can spend eternity with Him is through the acceptance that He sent His Son to die for my sins, that His Son rose three days later, and will come again. That's how I know I'm saved.
I may not always act like I'm saved: I curse. I don't go to church every.single.time.the.door.is.open. I am hypocritical and judgmental. I'm not perfect but I know that God's Word is true and it always will be.
The events in Newtown, CT did not happen because we don't have sanctioned prayer in school. The terror today came because part of living, even living for Christ, is that evil things happen. For it is not for us mortals to understand why these things happen. We are not guaranteed these things will never happen. In fact, we are told the exact opposite: John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy. I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Does the Lord like our wicked ways? No. Does He love us in spite of those wicked ways? Yes. Does that mean that we can continue to be wicked and still enter the Kingdom of God? No. But just because the wicked may never enter the Kingdom of God, doesn't mean that God is not present.
I often wonder what if Jesus came back right now---right this very second and saw how we mortals are preaching His teachings what he would think. How we are advancing His cause. Would he be sickened at the sight of us? Would He be angry? Would He appreciate us putting His Father, OUR Father, in such a small box as to think that God would leave us simply because the ability to pray in a school house is different than what we believe it should be?
To think that God is not big enough and that He was not present today in that school as those tiny precious children were murdered is so small-minded that I cannot even grasp the entire absurdity of it. I know that God was there as each child and adult was killed. Even the killer. I know that each of those children and adults were welcomed into His arms. Those who were fortunate enough to survive didn't just have police and teacher escorts out of the building today. God was there. God shielded every single person in that school today. Every.single.one. Even those who died.
God did not promise us that we would live forever here on this planet we call Earth. He did not promise that we would never face evil and that tragedy would never strike. We have not been promised a life of sunshine and roses. If we read God's Word and if we communicate with Him, we will possess enough understanding of why things happen to get us through. Do you know how I know this? Because my Bible tells me so:
Psalms 30:5 For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Companies I Want to Punch In the Nads
Dear Wax Vac,
As soon as I saw your commercials on television I knew that I had to have your product to give my brother, who has the waxiest ears ever on the face of the planet, as a gag gift for Christmas. I searched every.single.store.I.could.thi nk.of. that sells "As Seen On TV" products, including Bed, Bath and Beyond figuring you'd at least be in their BEYOND department but no luck. So, I sat down today, Googled you and oh wowie wow wow found out that I could get not ONE but TWO Wax Vacs for the price of one or $7.99. Hootie Hoo!
I quickly put in my debit card number, my address, and proceed to click through page after page after page of "Wait, there's more!" bullshit items to add to my "set of the world's best ear suckers" each for $7.99 plus $6.99 shipping.
Finally I get to the page that basically tells me, unless you click here and accept the $9.99 Super.Fast.You.Won't.Believe.H ow.Quickly.You.Got.Your.Ear.Su ckers shipping rate I may not get it in time for Christmas and because it just wouldn't be funny for my brother to NOT have a gag gift to open Christmas afternoon, I accepted the expedited shipping cost and hit the BIG RED BUTTON OF DEATH.
I wasn't given the opportunity to "review my order" before my debit card was Vac raped for over $33. In addition to the $9.99 If-You-Don't-Pay-This-Amount-Y ou-Won't-Get-It-In-Time-For-Ch ristmas-And-Your-Brother's-Chr istmas-Will-Be-Ruined guilt trip, you also charged me almost $14 for "processing and handling."
How precious are the hands that will be handling these mini-wax-sucking-Chinese-made valuables? Should I tell my brother he needs to add this precious product to his will? So a gift that should have cost me roughly $8.99 per person (if I can find someone else who I think needs to have their brains sucked out through their ears) has sent me over my holiday fiscal cliff. All for a practical joke. I wanted to top last years gag gift of a plastic, foam filled, WVU toilet seat circa 1982 that I gave to my brother, a Marshall fan. I thought your cheap little hairdryer shaped ear sucker would be a cheap funny ha ha gift. And maybe it will be.
Perhaps I'll give the other one to my husband because Lord knows he can't hear for shit. So, maybe this will work out in the end after all. I will have paid a lot more than expected but maybe I won't have to repeat myself 50 hundred times a day. But still, almost $14 is asking a lot of someone to pay for another person to handle something unless it was a murder-for-hire kind of thing. I'd pay $14 for that.
Oh, P.S.S. Merry Sucking Christmas.
P.S.S.S. To my Sister-in-law, Michelle, if you're reading this, don't send my brother here. I don't want to spoil the surprise. :)
As soon as I saw your commercials on television I knew that I had to have your product to give my brother, who has the waxiest ears ever on the face of the planet, as a gag gift for Christmas. I searched every.single.store.I.could.thi
I quickly put in my debit card number, my address, and proceed to click through page after page after page of "Wait, there's more!" bullshit items to add to my "set of the world's best ear suckers" each for $7.99 plus $6.99 shipping.
Finally I get to the page that basically tells me, unless you click here and accept the $9.99 Super.Fast.You.Won't.Believe.H
I wasn't given the opportunity to "review my order" before my debit card was Vac raped for over $33. In addition to the $9.99 If-You-Don't-Pay-This-Amount-Y
How precious are the hands that will be handling these mini-wax-sucking-Chinese-made valuables? Should I tell my brother he needs to add this precious product to his will? So a gift that should have cost me roughly $8.99 per person (if I can find someone else who I think needs to have their brains sucked out through their ears) has sent me over my holiday fiscal cliff. All for a practical joke. I wanted to top last years gag gift of a plastic, foam filled, WVU toilet seat circa 1982 that I gave to my brother, a Marshall fan. I thought your cheap little hairdryer shaped ear sucker would be a cheap funny ha ha gift. And maybe it will be.
Perhaps I'll give the other one to my husband because Lord knows he can't hear for shit. So, maybe this will work out in the end after all. I will have paid a lot more than expected but maybe I won't have to repeat myself 50 hundred times a day. But still, almost $14 is asking a lot of someone to pay for another person to handle something unless it was a murder-for-hire kind of thing. I'd pay $14 for that.
Sincerely, Mrs. Grinch.
P.S. I"m going to Bed, Bath, and Beyond this weekend and if I see your little Wax Vacs there minus the handling/processing/get it before tomorrow shipping cost, I will seriously consider that Murder-for-hire processing fee.
Oh, P.S.S. Merry Sucking Christmas.
P.S.S.S. To my Sister-in-law, Michelle, if you're reading this, don't send my brother here. I don't want to spoil the surprise. :)
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Lessons Learned Equal Decisions Made
We've officially been without children for a month an two days. It has been utterly amazing. Seriously.
As an infertile woman, you feel cheated. You feel everyone else gets to have this wonderful life of kids, and Santa, and soccer, and stick figures on the back of your SUV/Minivan/Duggar Bus. When you have ovaries that look like hard boiled Easter Eggs, eggs that are scrambled, a uterus that has literally been burned free of any "embryo-holding" material, a body that sees embryos/fetuses (or is it feti?) as foreign and fights them like infection, and a blood clotting disorder that prevents the development of placenta (even if you hadn't had your uterus surgically broiled) you start to feel bitter.
When you're walking around still carrying all of the weight your fertility treatments caused (in addition to the weight compiled due to Emotional Eating from miscarriage, Grief Eating also from miscarriage, and general eating) you can also be bitter. You look to your friends who pop out babies and those damn Duggar lunatics and think, "I hate you." Then you ask these questions:
"Why can't I be a mom?"
"Why is it so hard for me?"
"What did I ever do so wrong I can't have a child?"
Then you decide, "let's Adopt!" Then you see how expensive that is and realize you don't shit hundred dollah bills y'all or piss Sacajawea gold dollars so you decide, "Let's Foster-to-Adopt!"
And then you either add stick figures to the back of your vehicle and they stay or you add them and scratch them off or you just decided who needs those things on the back of my new car anyway (though I did manage to put not one but two Obama stickers on my new car. I like Obama more than I liked being a foster parent, obviously!)
When you become a foster parent you either love it or hate it. When you finally realize your dream of motherhood or become, "Aunt Allison" to non-blood related little people, you have one of two possible responses:
Yes!! This. Is. Amazing.
We started with teens. Teen girls. My response was WTF?????
Neither placement worked out. And here we are. One month of being a "child free" couple again and honestly....This. Is. Amazing!!
My husband no longer wants to be a dad. I no longer feel compelled to make him a father. I no longer wish to be a mom and even though I feel sorry for all the kids out there who need good homes, I no longer feel like I'm supposed to open a Humane Society for children.
I've searched adoption websites to find my "perfect family" and this past month having now experienced what it takes to be a mom and I must say, just Jeff and I being Auntie to the greatest.niece.ever IS my "perfect family."
Thus, we no longer will be fostering. We will no longer be considering adoption. We are happy to stay just as we are. Two late-thirty-somethings who enjoy having a house in a particular order and free of any hormonal/emotional meltdowns.
Do you know how I know I'm okay with never being a mom???? I found out someone is pregnant and, other than being happy for her and her husband, I didn't feel a single twinge of jealousy. I wasn't able to attend the baby shower when she had her first child four years ago because of "Fertility Envy". Today, I was elated for her and elated for myself. She'll have her two precious children and I'll have a quiet house and a wickedly awesome husband.
We both win!
So, take that infertility. You have no power over me anymore because what I learned was, I didn't like being a mom anyway!!
As an infertile woman, you feel cheated. You feel everyone else gets to have this wonderful life of kids, and Santa, and soccer, and stick figures on the back of your SUV/Minivan/Duggar Bus. When you have ovaries that look like hard boiled Easter Eggs, eggs that are scrambled, a uterus that has literally been burned free of any "embryo-holding" material, a body that sees embryos/fetuses (or is it feti?) as foreign and fights them like infection, and a blood clotting disorder that prevents the development of placenta (even if you hadn't had your uterus surgically broiled) you start to feel bitter.
When you're walking around still carrying all of the weight your fertility treatments caused (in addition to the weight compiled due to Emotional Eating from miscarriage, Grief Eating also from miscarriage, and general eating) you can also be bitter. You look to your friends who pop out babies and those damn Duggar lunatics and think, "I hate you." Then you ask these questions:
"Why can't I be a mom?"
"Why is it so hard for me?"
"What did I ever do so wrong I can't have a child?"
Then you decide, "let's Adopt!" Then you see how expensive that is and realize you don't shit hundred dollah bills y'all or piss Sacajawea gold dollars so you decide, "Let's Foster-to-Adopt!"
And then you either add stick figures to the back of your vehicle and they stay or you add them and scratch them off or you just decided who needs those things on the back of my new car anyway (though I did manage to put not one but two Obama stickers on my new car. I like Obama more than I liked being a foster parent, obviously!)
When you become a foster parent you either love it or hate it. When you finally realize your dream of motherhood or become, "Aunt Allison" to non-blood related little people, you have one of two possible responses:
Yes!! This. Is. Amazing.
We started with teens. Teen girls. My response was WTF?????
Neither placement worked out. And here we are. One month of being a "child free" couple again and honestly....This. Is. Amazing!!
My husband no longer wants to be a dad. I no longer feel compelled to make him a father. I no longer wish to be a mom and even though I feel sorry for all the kids out there who need good homes, I no longer feel like I'm supposed to open a Humane Society for children.
I've searched adoption websites to find my "perfect family" and this past month having now experienced what it takes to be a mom and I must say, just Jeff and I being Auntie to the greatest.niece.ever IS my "perfect family."
Thus, we no longer will be fostering. We will no longer be considering adoption. We are happy to stay just as we are. Two late-thirty-somethings who enjoy having a house in a particular order and free of any hormonal/emotional meltdowns.
Do you know how I know I'm okay with never being a mom???? I found out someone is pregnant and, other than being happy for her and her husband, I didn't feel a single twinge of jealousy. I wasn't able to attend the baby shower when she had her first child four years ago because of "Fertility Envy". Today, I was elated for her and elated for myself. She'll have her two precious children and I'll have a quiet house and a wickedly awesome husband.
We both win!
So, take that infertility. You have no power over me anymore because what I learned was, I didn't like being a mom anyway!!
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