- I am four weeks away from obtaining my Masters in Human Services. I'm so elated I can't even put it into words. I changed my track from license-eligible (LPC) to this one because I already owe the Department of Education more than I owe First Green on the mortgage on my home. So, until I get debt paid down, I'm running with what I can. It's a HUGE accomplishment for me and I'm very proud of myself.
- We dove back into the foster parenting waters and while we thought we'd have our 10 year old son through June, the court on Friday said, "send him back to his dad!" And that's what we did. We miss him. He was our first since November and he was amazing.
- I left my job that I just started in February. It was not the place for me. I had been asked to do something that was not only morally wrong but downright criminal.
- We had our last membership class in church this past Sunday. I can't wait to become a full fledged member of Christian Love Ministries. We love this church, the pastors, the other members. It's just a place where we have grown. My husband is a Christian now and we owe it to the pastors who provide a safe place to come to Jesus.
- I'm horrified by the happenings in Boston. I pray for our nation daily. So many on my FB are asking, "How can God allow this?" I have thought about this and the best answer I can fathom is, God never fails to show you who He is. Sometimes He uses the miracle of a new baby to show how powerful He is and sometimes His power and greatness come out of things not so happy as brand new babies. I believe that yesterday, in the midst of all that happened, a firm non-believer feel to his/her knees and uttered the only name that matters: Jesus. I believe people were delivered yesterday. So while God didn't cause what happened yesterday, He even allows evil acts to show how great He is.
- I'm in the middle of applying for and interviewing for jobs. I've had one offer that my husband and I really feel I should not consider. I'd provide in-home parenting and life skills services to help prevent children from entering the foster care system or to help the parent regain custody of their children but the "What ifs" are too much for my husband to overlook: what if I'm in the middle of the county and a man decides to come home with a gun to take his kids/hurt his wife and I don't have cell services? Also with my immunity down because of the chemo I receive, being in people's dirty germy houses isn't ideal either. It involves a lot of driving and I'd only get paid for face-to-face time with my clients. If I drive 45 minutes and they aren't home...I don't get paid.
- I'm finally getting ready to do something about my weight. Putting it off isn't getting any easier and I'm only getting fatter.
- Our Mountaineers play their spring game this Saturday we hope to go.
- Oh...most importantly...my husband and I will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary Friday (more on this in another post!)
So, there you have it. I do plan to carve out time in my day to make blogging a priority. I miss having this avenue to work out my thoughts and share with y'all.
And I want to get to know all of you so please: ask me some questions in the comment section and I'll do a vlog and answer them!!