March 27, 2012
Major Daniel T
Heather H.
Heather H.
It is after much prayer and thought that I have reached the decision to resign my position as part time case worker effective Friday, April 13, 2012. I am about to enter into a time in my life when I need to shift my focus from being an employee to being a mother, as this has always been my dream. I have enjoyed my time here at The Salvation Army and upon accepting the position I did not have any idea my time here would be for such a short period of time.
I would love to be able to support The Salvation Army through volunteering and definitely intend to do so. Please keep my name and number on file for those times when you need someone to fill in or need that extra volunteer.
Thank you for all the support you’ve given me and for making The Salvation Army a wonderful place to work.
Allison T.
So there it is. It's printed, signed, but not yet sealed and delivered. She knows it's coming even though I, like a playa, led her on to think I would stay, but deep down I think she knows I'm outtie.
Now, if I can just get up the nerve to walk it 20 feet and slap it down on her desk.
Allison, I'm sure you are making the right decision! Being able to devote your time to this new chapter in your life is wonderful! I'm so excited for y'all and can't wait to read more through your posts about this new journey!!! Thanks for following me, I'm now following you! Have a wonderful Thursday!