Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Week and A Few Days Out

and we're still feeling at peace with our decision to stop fostering, at least for the foreseeable future.  We are really enjoying being a couple again.  The longer we go without children the more we seem to close the door on being parents.

There's a part of me that says, "if we just try boys ages 7-10 maybe things could/would be different."  But right now I'd have to talk my husband into trying again.  He's pretty much relieved to have our freedom back.   And of course less responsibility is awesome.

There's also my health to consider.  I just had my chemo infusion today which means I saw my doctor.  I don't know if I mentioned this in previous posts, but I had been having some severe pain/swelling/redness/warmth in my right elbow.  Found out it wasn't an infected joint (Praise Jesus!) and it wasn't gout (woot woot!) but rather I've begun to develop Rheumatoid nodules.  The chemo is supposed to be preventing them.  The doctor said there's chance it may be absorbed into my body; however, everything I've read from Dr. Google says otherwise.  I think my doc was trying to give me a positive spin.  My worry: other than looking like a freak-a-zoid with outwardly deformed joints?  The fact these nodules will show up in my lungs.

This past weekend we went down to my brother/sister-in-law/niece's house to celebrate my SIL's bday. My niece continues to blow my mind and melt my heart. I wish I could spend more time with her.

Wow. Left this post as a draft four days ago. Better post it huh?

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