Monday, May 6, 2013


Monday Mashup

1. I graduated from grad school  That's right.  I'm now officially in more debt then I'll ever pay in my life.  I'm very proud of myself.  My family celebrate my accomplishment by holding a family weenie roast on Saturday.  We had a great time even some of my extended family came. I had a great time.

2. That means I got to spend a lot of time with Princess Amelia.  I love her.

3. I was offered AND accepted a new job: Starting May 16, 2013 I will be the new part time housing counselor at our local housing authority.  I'm very excited.  With  my RA full-time work is not possible at this time, and honestly may never be.  I REALLY wanted this position so I'm thankful for answered prayers and awesome people in my life who served as references for me.

4. I had a horrible RA flair today.  I think it's the rain that's setting in for the week.  I was so bad I only got out of bed to potty and shower and the shower/brushing my teeth part was sheer misery and almost impossible.  It took me 45 minutes to shower (oh how I wish I had a shower seat).  I actually cried REAL tears when I finally was able to squeeze the toothpaste onto the toothbrush.

5. I feel like I have so much more to say but honestly, between the pain medicine and benadryl I'm simply too sleepy to continue.

Until next time.....